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Book Publication from DCD

  • Book Publishing
  • Brand Communication

We are pleased to announce the publication of a new book from Daishinsha Communication Design!

『手にとるように分かるブランディング入門』was launched on October 19th, 2022.


This book is a condensed collection of useful branding know-how and case studies.

Based on our experiences over years, it explains the basics of branding’s importance, and how we go about it, with illustrations and explanations.


■ Contents

  • Why do we need branding? 
  • What is a brand? 
  • What are the benefits of branding? 
  • What do we do on branding? 
  • How do I get started with branding? 
  • 【Phase 1】Determine the objectives of the branding project 
  • 【Phase 2】Understand the current situation – (1) Know your company & competitors 
  • 【Phase 2】Understand the current situation – (2) Know your customers 
  • 【Phase 3】Define the brand core 
  • 【Phase 4】Inner Branding 
  • 【Phase 4】Outer Branding 
  • 【Phase 5】Verification & Improvement 


Please check it out at your local bookstore or on Amazon!